TEGOMEN 与东盟贸易之窗达成战略合作

TEGOMEN HOMME 与东盟贸易之窗达成战略合作 Strategic cooperation between TEGOMEN HOMME and ASEAN trade window

TEGOMEN 与东盟贸易之窗达成战略合作
Strategic cooperation between TEGOMEN and ASEAN trade window

热烈庆祝(TEGOMEN )鉄戈門快时尚男装品牌与东盟贸易之窗顺利签约战略合作备忘录,吉隆坡为首站登陆市场,于2020年2月盛大开业!
Warmly celebrate (TEGOMEN) the successful signing of strategic cooperation memorandum between nagoram fast fashion men's clothing brand and ASEAN trade window. Kuala Lumpur took the lead to enter the market and opened grandly on February 2020!

For more details, please call us!